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Comet, the Neighborhood Pig

I was drafting our Sprint 5 article and realized I had a lot to say about the things we did in April. One of our goals is to have more fun, but I didn’t want to overwhelm that article with pictures. In this article, Leslie bought me the greatest shirt ever made and we met the neighborhood pig.

My birthday is in April, so to celebrate, I bought Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. I never got to trade pokemon when I was a kid, so it was amazing to trade with Leslie. It was also her first real pokemon experience, and she’s clocked more hours than I have.



Here it is... the greatest shirt ever made:



Our friend, Lauren, sent us a wonderful antique Easter card. My sister asked us to help hide Easter eggs; Leslie accepted the challenge, exclaiming, “They’ll be looking for these eggs until they’re thirty!”



We also went to our first convention: Steel City Con. I asked Elvira about how much input she had into the making of her pinball machine. She said she was very involved with the details, and has never opened hers.



My parents came out to visit, because I’ve been wanting to take them to Wigle’s Whiskey in the Strip District.



And finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for... one day I was walking Schooner, and I heard some oinking. Leslie and I always joke that Schooner’s a little piggy, so I found the sounds peculiar. Ends up, one of our neighbors has a pig! I texted this to Leslie:



We went back to check on him a few times. I worked from home one day, so we brought him carrots.



And, at some point, these things happened:



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