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GASP Board Games

My coworker and friend, Mike, succeeded in dragging me out of the house today. Someone had to do it, since our other friends moved to New Zealand. Today, he took me to GASP: Gaming Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

This is my friend Mike. Say hi, Mike!



We started with A Duel Betwixt Us.

A Duel Betwixt Us is a 2-player card game designed to test your manly worth through the ancient & sacred art of violence.

Your heroic feats will earn you the love of fair maidens, and sturdy men join your ranks in admiration of your combative prowess.

You will send this fanclub to work in the mines, where they will toil tirelessly in your name. The fine ingots they pull from the earth will provide you with an economic & military edge in the series of spectacular duels which will unfold betwixt you and your nemesis.

Who will be the finer specimen of Man? Will you gain the Gentlemanly Satisfaction you demand? Only time will tell...

Next we played Boss Monster, which is a card game based on old video games. Not long ago, their second project was successfully funded on kickstarter. It’s a video game based on a card game based on a video game.

We ended the evening with Munchkin Loot Letter. I wasn’t expecting much from a game that has only 16 cards, and where your hand is no more than two cards. This ended up being the most strategic game of all – until the end. We were tied, six to six, when Mike won by picking up an unbeatable pair.



Every week at work, I ask Mike about his weekend plans. His answers often surprise me. Last weekend, he was drinking at an Ikea holiday party.

This weekend, he had tickets to see Sauce Boss. Basically, it’s a concert and a meal.

Bill “Sauce Boss” Wharton brings his own hot sauce to every gig, and he cooks a big pot of gumbo, while smoking his slide guitar. At the end of the Show, everyone gets a bowl. Now he’s added some new flavors to the “stew”. Sauce Boss not only plays slide, sings his tamales off, makes gumbo, and feeds everybody… he also plays a drum kit with his feet. “You take that 53 Telecaster, pump it through that 48 Fender amp, add a bass rig, mix in some drums, all simmered down over some funky swamp blues, and smothered with gumbo, and you got a recipe for the largest one-man band on the planet.”



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