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Umpus on Wine Label

This past weekend, Dave and I visited a good friend in Lakewood, Ohio. We did the usual things: eat pizza, drink beer, watch movies that should have long since been forgotten or eradicated.



And being in the greater Cleveland surrounds, where shops with unusual combinations of goods are a thing, my friend insisted we take a trip to her favorite local liquor store – the gas station.



I admit that I was skeptical. This is not the storefront of a fine liquor store. The name “E-Z Shop” also failed to instill me with confidence.

Oh me of little faith.

Inside a fine selection of wine, beer and spirits greeted us. Even more surprisingly, Umpus Von Stresseman, most handsome man in town, appears to have a side-gig as a spokesperson for wine. He’s even showing off his signature trick!



Apparently this full-bodied 2012 cabernet has hints of raspberries and strawberries, with a strong oak finish. I was assured that it is a fantastic find and that there were no pig’s brains involved whatsoever, despite Umpus’s protests.

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