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Dream Eater’s Carnival on Kindle

Our debut novella Dream Eater’s Carnival was published this week to Amazon Kindle!



I started outlining the Bitlather Chronicles series five years ago while living in Japan. Leslie joined me a year later. After nine combined years of effort, we finally have something to show for it.

A lot of people helped make this possible. We collected over a hundred critiques from dozens of people before we felt confident publishing. I can’t show my thanks enough, because really, it was their input that helped shape the Bitlather Chronicles into what it is today.


Special thanks to Tom Banwell Designs. His Ichabod mask inspired the cover art.

We’ve been incredibly lucky to have enthusiastic friends and family to share our story with.

Leslie’s brother, Jacob Anderson, helped us from beginning to end. He read anything we put before him, often several times, and wasn’t afraid to tell us where we missed the mark. Even if it was something we really didn’t want to hear, the day before we intended to push the publish button. Twice.

Karen Rubin and Joseph Hagerty were among the first willing to read anything we had written, and their early feedback helped shape the rest of the story. Though Dave still kind of misses the name Faust and struggled with toward vs towards until the bitter end.

Amanda Connery, Rebekah Rodriguez, Kyle Liebert, and Zadi Green provided us with early beta-reads and their comments and critiques helped bolster our nerve and whittle away at our shortcomings.

Kelli Seaman’s resolute hatred of the monkey gave us the energy to keep working even when we just wanted to be done with it.

Our dear friend Lauren Brush for showing continued interest and for reading a late revision. Fresh eyes are always appreciated.

Lana Hayes designed our adorable Torch Goose Press logo, and we couldn’t be happier with it.

Dave’s father, Richard Allen, for showing continued interest in beta reading.

Linda Weidemann, Lyric Bowser, Patrick Neville, Kyle Washkau, Chris Klamut, Dave Foran, Jeff Drengler, and Jonathan Applebury provided critiques of the cover art that were invaluable. Thanks, Linda, for verifying that there was only one Dream Eater in the story, since apostrophes can spell disaster.

And finally, Clark Magnan, Kristen Kooistra, Angela Castillo, Chloe Rivers, Melanie Brooke, Cayenne Michaels, D.D. Merette, Kayleen Eggert, L.E. Deedy, Eric A. Schweitz, Sierra Kummings, Feath Pym, Sofia St. John, and Helena Eveningfall are all simply the best. They each spent countless hours providing in-depth feedback on everything from word choice to story arc.

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