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Working With Artists: Torch Goose Press Logo

Since we purchased ISBNs from Bowker and were able to associate them with a publishing company, we debated using Torch Goose Press or 150 Degree Books (after the temperature I prepare my matcha at). We asked around, and Torch Goose Press was preferred. (Also, Leslie preferred 195 Degree Books since that’s the temperature she uses for her black tea.) I wanted to add a logo, so I turned to our friend, Lana Hayes.

I thought to ask Lana because she had posted some of her recent work online and it caught my eye.



You can find Lana’s other work on instagram @meltbot.

I started by sending her an email explaining what we were looking for. I took pictures of existing logos for comparison and to show how small it could be. The size matters, because finer details will be lost when you scale a large image down.



It’s important to provide an idea of what you’re looking for when working with an artist, web designer, etc. Try to make it as easy as possible for them to get started. After all, they can’t read your mind.

I also made a few sketches to demonstrate an idea of what we were going for. Please don’t laugh :-)



Lana responded:

I love your drawings! The one made me laugh because it kind of looks like a goose who had a long night at the bar and walked to the back alley to puke real quick before heading back in to continue his night. I'm not mocking, I just liked the image it planted in my mind. Change your name to vomiting goose.

We went through a few iterations, and this is what Lana sent us over the next week:



She converted it to a vector so we can easily scale it:



And we couldn’t be happier.

I’ll end the article with some of Lana’s other works:



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