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Torgos Jack O’Lantern

Every year we try to carve a pumpkin for halloween, but so far, it’s only happened once. I had an interesting idea: let’s try to carve Torgos’s face from Dream Eater’s Carnival.

I printed this template and handed it off to Leslie, since she’s better than me at all things art. We pinned the template to the pumpkin but had a hard time marking the lines, so Leslie traced Torgos’s face and filled in the details by hand.

These pictures outline our six hour journey, in which Leslie did all the work and I kept a steady stream of Roseanne halloween specials on the TV.



The dogs were excited and kept close to the pumpkin, eating any scraps that landed on the carpet. We caught Niko, the black pomperke, chowing down on the bottom of the pumpkin when he thought we were upstairs.

One last picture of us dressed as Cosmo & Wanda for handing out full bars to the trick-or-treaters:



...yup, Leslie put the costumes together, too.

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